Thursday, December 17, 2009

Present for Mom

The boys were helping lovely husband place presents under our Christmas tree from family and friends. S.E. and Koo can read their names now and so they would get excited when there was a package for them. Well, once it was all said and done, there wasn't a package for Mom. The boys got sad for me and it reminded of stories I'd told them about being grateful for what you have because they have SO MUCH. I didn't grow up with Christmas trees and presents until I was out of adolescence. No presents was the norm growing up in my family. These were not customs in my birth country. Now we follow these traditions because being in America for 25+ years, we've not only gained a few wonderful American traditions, we've gained a few pounds too. My kids just held on to the fact that I grew with one toy and didn't get Christmas gifts.

The next day after school, S.E. and Koo asked me for a box-with a lid. I thought they were making a manger because they have been learning a lot about Jesus's birth coming up. It was a secret they told me-I wasn't to know what they were doing. Well, next thing you know, they had taped something in an old shoe box, wrapped it in computer paper and stuck it under the tree. A gift for mom because she didn't have any was the explanation.

Let me get the gunky emotions that welled up in my heart when they showed me their gift for me. So loving and thoughtful of them. I gotta go glue my heart back together because they melt it.
Yesterday, two more presents arrived with my name on them and the boys celebrated my good forturne for I was a good mom so Santa didn't forget about me. And the hits just keep on coming.

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