Wednesday, August 24, 2011

1st day of school!!!

Well we are off to another school year. This is Koo's first year in the public school system as a Kindergartener. He has been PUMPED!!

So this morning, I got up and made S.E. a yummy lunch. Then I made one of their favorite breakfast: slow-cooking oatmeal and bacon with a side of maple syrup to mop up the combination.

Brushed teeth, combed hair, got dress, and loaded up the backpacks and went to the bus stop. What was really nice was while we were waiting there, two staff from the school district came to welcome us to the new bus service into our vinyl village. Up until this year, there was no bus service to this neighborhood so I got seriously burnt out carpooling last year.

As a nervous mom (I didn't let the boys know), I snapped pics of them waiting for the bus, then once the got on, I ran to their school with camera in hand and got to the bus stop at school with 2 minutes to spare (and catch my breath).

Then I got them off to the proper line. My boys thought I was so cool to be at both places. Supermom moment right?! (ha ha).

It's now quiet at home. The only sad part is not having S.E. at home for lunch. And then there were three...

Note: There's only one published pic b/c other pics had other kids in the background and I don't like to publish pics w/out permission.

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