Friday, January 13, 2012


As my lovely and I layed our heads to sleep last night, we remininsced about how six years ago, Koo was born.
When he was born, he didn't make a peep. He was very quiet. Now, six years later, you can hear him from the other end of the house on a different level.
He has the best smile ever. I know I'm biased but the kid as a baby would stare a person down armed with a toothless grin until you reacted to it. He is a very happy kid.
He is also messy, quick, funny, and is quite a good dancer. He has guts. He needs his brother more than milk in this world. His first words in the morning is "where's S.E.?".
He has such a kind heart for his peers...always comes home with reports of who had a hard time at school today and how he helped make them feel better.
I'm so proud to be his mom. I'm grateful for getting to raise him and guide him this far. Happy Birthday to my little boy.

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