Tuesday, June 1, 2010

6th year to me!!

When S.E. was born, so was my new job title: SAHM. It's been six years of crying, cleaning up bottoms (still doing this), laughing, and getting to see the two most beautiful human beings in the whole world to me grow. I got to witness it all. Things I still love about my job: holding warm boys when they wake up from their naps, eating with gusto, learning to ride their trikes, bikes, and swim. Also, when they thank me without me prompting them or when they come up behind me to hug me-I love it all. Even when they drive me to bake something with two sticks of butter and gobble half up it up before it cools, this is still the best job.

1 comment:

H Love said...

Not everyone can do your job...in fact only you can! Don't forget to count the ways you are nurturing and supporting their growth and character. The foundation and secure base you give them is just the ticket for them the follow their dreams! Time flies and this season in our life will be gone. Believe me I am feeling it with a 9, 7 and 4 year old!