Monday, February 9, 2009

"One big nugget and one small nugget"

As mentioned earlier, my youngest child Koo has been potty training. All is going well with going by himself when it comes to the No. 1 deed. We still keep him in Pull-ups because he still thinks the toyroom is his personal bathroom. He is still set on doing his stinky business in there and we have not been able to get him sitting on the potty. We tried putting him on the potty each day to get him used to it, bribe him, have him watch my husband, S.E. and myself do our business. Nope. Nada. No way Jose.

Well, we recently bought him some big boy underpants with Transformers all over them. He has been dying to wear them and asks for them every night after getting out of the shower. Our response has been "not until you go poo-y in the toilet and not your Pull-ups". Something finally clicked tonight because he ran into my room half naked and I was expecting the worse (like him having an accident), he calls out "Mom, I went poo-y in the toilet. One big nugget and one small nugget". The partying began and we danced and cheered. Then I gave him a piece of chocolate that lovely husband promised if he went in the potty. Next was a phone call to dad. Koo was so happy and I let him wear his Optimus Prime big boy underpants.

Hallmark moment right? Never that easy when raising children. He had an accident (No. 1) not ten minutes later. Stop the party. Rewind. Clean up. Put Koo in shower. Remind him that big boy underpants still means you have to go No. 1 in the toilet. Back in a Pull-up. Still so proud of him.

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