Thursday, May 27, 2010

It has come to my attention that I have do not have the updated version of parenting. My kids are six and four now and I still parent like they are toddlers. I parent with the fear that my kids will get hurt either by each other. I'm tend to yell, put them in timeouts, and still bank on them taking naps in order to rescrew my head back on. Lately, I'm finding that I have to explain to them consequences of their actions, and naps are hit or miss. This leads to tired and worned out mom with little patience to do anything fun with them. Good thing my lovely husband is patient and likes to explain everything to the boys in depth.

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Foods with High Nickel Content

shellfish (shrimp, oysters, mussels)
all canned vegetables and fruits
beans (green, brown, and white)
peas (including split peas)
fresh and dried figs
wheat bran products (whioe wheat breads and cereals)
multigrain breads
chocolate and cocoa drinks
tea from dispensers
nuts (almonds, hazelnuts, peanuts, sunflower seeds)
sweets containing chocolate
baking powder
soy powder
vitamin / mineral supplements containing nickel
fiber tablets

Nickel allergy

I'm overwhelmed with all the information I am gathering regarding my nickel allergy. I've been decent in avoiding foods on the list my doctor had given me and staying away from chemicals I'm allergic to. However, during this last doctor's appointment, the doctor opened my eyes to the fact that while they are good at identifying the problem, they do not have a good solution other than treating the symptoms temporarily. He did stress the fact that most people with nickel allergy have an extremely difficult time in avoiding nickel.
So armed with time, panic, and high-speed internet, I have been searching nickel allergy. I have found foods on sites that are not on my list. Much to my horror, most of the foods I eat to help maintain my weightloss are on the list: beans, all canned fruits and vegetables, shellfish, all nuts, whole grains and the kicker BAKING POWDER. I bake all the time!!
So, while I choke down oatmeal each morning, I'm starting my day off with nickel. As, I eat a few almonds to stave off my hunger, I'm eating nickel. As I bake everything, I'm eating nickel. Like I said, I'm overwhelmed.
I'm trying to find the bright side. At least I found out what I can avoid to help my skin. I'm going to embark on this elimination diet and hope to high heavens I get some relief for my itchy, painful, hideous-looking sores all over skin.

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

I'm still baffled by this blog. I'm a horrible communicator and I have no rhyme or reason to when I feel up to blogging. Maybe it's just because I'm feeling overwhelmed with my health, feelings of being an inadequate mother, and my relationship with my husband. I just want to eat a whole chocolate cake but wait, I'm allergic to chocolate. Really, any reason to get up in the morning?

Sunday, May 23, 2010

I feel terrible. Very queasy, dizzy, and really want to upchuck. I started an antibiotic and I'm having an allergic reaction to it. Husband is out of town. One of my bestfriends took the boys for a few hours today so I can just veg without feeling guilty. I turned on the TV. It's a Hoarders marathon on A & E. I've watched three episodes so far. There has been someone from Washington in all three. Is it just me or is Washington becoming the Hoarders capital? I remember seeing an Oprah show many years ago on this topic and a lady featured was from Washington. I hope I feel better soon because I'm twitching to clear out my house.

black thumb

My boys and hubby love growing plants and gardening. Not my calling. I know what to do with the postharvest fruits and vegetables from gardens but I am not a fan in having one. My men don't feel the same way and they've got three plants they are trying to get ready to either go outside (corn and sweetpea) or take up permanent residence somewhere in our home. I hope I don't kill them before then. I'm not good at all. Very bad.

Monday, May 17, 2010

Create, create, things I make

Koo was learning about the life cycle of butterflies and they read stories, raised a butterfly from the larvae, caterpillar, etc. phases. Lots of fun. He loved it and I thought I'd thank his teacher by making her this book bag. The print is from the book The Very Hungry Caterpillar by Eric Carle.

Friday, May 14, 2010

S.E. turned 6!!!

Yesterday was a wonderful day with the celebration of S.E.'s birthday. I am so proud to know him. He is a darling boy-very thoughtful, always ready to tell a story (especially if it involves getting Koo in trouble), tries very hard to learn to whistle, make bubblegum bubbles, head stands, swim by himself. I'm just so darn thankful to be his mama.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Update on me

Why am I so good a focusing on what I do wrong and beat myself up for it but see only good in others? Frickin' crazy mama here. I've been eating too many calories and fat and I'm not being accountable to myself. But I could be much worse. Why do I beat myself up for the extra little bit and not congratulate myself on the stuff I say "No" to? I'm slipping into some old bad habits like cooking to avoid doing things I don't want to do or to relax. Also, I've been really, really tired. I can't seem to get enough sleep and when I do sleep, I sleep like the dead. No answers today. Just having a moment.

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Mother's Day

I had a perfect Mother's day. It was just another regular Sunday but it was sunny!!! I was able to run for 9 miles while my lovely husband played with the kids. I hate getting presents for the sake of a day made up by someone to give some group a reason to feel special? I don't know. I feel pretty special already being a wife to an awesome husband and the mom of two delicious little boys.

I love how God works in my life. Sometimes I don't want to be a mom. I remember life before kids and sometimes I crave that especially when I'm cleaning up around a toilet or wipe up spilled food and milk. Then I remember how important my job is and that being a mom is not a right but a privilege.

There are women without kids and kids without moms in this world anymore. So what did I do to honor them and show my gratitude for God trusting me to take care of two wonderful boys and to share this journey of raising them with my husband, their dad. I was lucky enough to get to share my "day" with a special lady and her fiance (she's like a daughter to me) and one of my bestfriend P and her husband. I made dinner and got to enjoy my family and friends. Truly a wonderful day.

Friday, May 7, 2010

running update

I finally made the commitment to get a new watch. Why? My current watch that I hardly wear is a nice watch but it's heavy and does not have a stopwatch option. So, when I'm running with the old watch on, it rubs and slides all over my wrist-very bothersome. This new one is easy to operate. Love it. Last night, I ran my 3 mile route. When I first starting running this route and it was my long run-I would run it in 50 minutes. I now run it in 32 minutes (almost one mile of it is a killer hill). I'm so happy with how much faster I've gotten.
I am grateful to my husband the most because he has been so supportive of my new lifestyle. He cheers me on, looks after the kids so I can run, and understands when I have to invest money so trainers can make me walk like an old woman for days (I am so sore right now). There's been many angels helping me achieve this kind of progress-thank you.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Monday's workout was total body bootcamp and 1 mile run.
Tuesday morning, I ran hills for 30 minutes: 8 incline 5.0 speed, 9 incline 4.5, 10 incline 4.0 for 10 minutes each. Then ran sides & reverse and 7.0 speed for a total of 43 minutes.
Wednesday, 45 minutes of hard total body bootcamp. I'm sore. Ate yogurt and stretched really well. I'm trying to stay focus and really try to get the weight down so I can run faster.

Monday, May 3, 2010

Bloomsday 2010

Last year was the first time I ran Bloomsday and I did it in 1:28 minutes. This year, I did it in 1:18 minutes (with a 2 minute standing in line for the bathroom at mile 2). I'm proud of myself for how much stronger of a runner I've become.