Thursday, December 31, 2009
Year in Review
2008: 160 lbs.
Treadmill running max: 4.8
Clothing size: 12-16 women's
Farthest I've ever ran: 5 miles / 1 hr. 25 min
cholesterol: 165
2009: 129 lbs.
Treadmill running max: 7.5
Clothing size: 4-8 women's
Farthest I've ran this year: 13.1 miles (1/2 marathon) in 2:25 minutes
cholesterol: 143
I feel pretty good about what I have been able to accomplish and as the new year approaches, I will have new goals which I hope to achieve. The most important thing I am doing that I've never done before is maintaining my weightloss. I've been at the current weight +/- 2 lbs. since May. Thank you Weight Watchers and my husband for his support. Above all, I am grateful that God was with me on every run.
Monday, December 28, 2009
I really don't...
Thursday, December 24, 2009
Red Mary Janes
Thursday, December 17, 2009
Present for Mom
The next day after school, S.E. and Koo asked me for a box-with a lid. I thought they were making a manger because they have been learning a lot about Jesus's birth coming up. It was a secret they told me-I wasn't to know what they were doing. Well, next thing you know, they had taped something in an old shoe box, wrapped it in computer paper and stuck it under the tree. A gift for mom because she didn't have any was the explanation.
Let me get the gunky emotions that welled up in my heart when they showed me their gift for me. So loving and thoughtful of them. I gotta go glue my heart back together because they melt it.
Crazy mother
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
Fancy rubber gloves
Monday, December 14, 2009
Gingerbread Houses Part Deux
Saturday, December 12, 2009
gym rat
Friday, December 11, 2009
Cranberry Apple Pancake
Free and Clear Shampoo
Friday, December 4, 2009
Busy little bee
Saturday, November 21, 2009
Another fun run!!
Friday, November 20, 2009
Sunday, November 15, 2009
What a waste?!
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
Awesome blogspot
Monday, November 9, 2009
Happy Birthday to Me
My lovely husband has the flu/cold bug the worse and this weekend, he basically was miserable. I feel so bad for him because he seems to get so sick when he's down. Hopefully I won't come down with whatever this bug is...I still have awful flashbacks of the last time I got sick. EEEWWWW.
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
Allergic to new stuff
Recently, we bought a new queen bed for our room because our bed has been at least 8 years old and it was a hand-me-down bed as it was. Then my mom-mobile van died and we decided to buy a new car because my lovely husband is sick of inheriting other people's problems buying used. Well, humor would have it that I am allergic to the "new" car smell (which is also the same smell on our new bed) identified as formaldehyde (a preservative). After two weeks of itching all night on my bed, we have moved it downstairs to air out and we have an old mattress in its place until then. And when I am in my car for more than 5 minutes, I am itchy and my skin flares up. So, I'm driving in 37 degree F weather with the window down and the heat blasting. I've been told I need to air out the car too. My husband teases that he can't buy me anything new-now if I could only find a car and bed at an estate sale...I'd be set. This is what I get for buying new things.
Monday, October 26, 2009
Boys update
S.E. is going through a little "testing his independance" by wanting to do everything by himself. He even thinks he knows what is best for him. Huhhh...not always cute when he decides he doesn't like wearing jeans anymore. He has always been hard to gather in my arms for a cuddle because he does not like that much physical affection (my family laugh at this because they say it described me). Lately, he has been letting lovely husband and I cuddle with him a little more. I'm loving it. He likes to play with Transformers and still loves to climb trees.
Both the boys have been taking swimming lessons this year and they are coming a long wonderfully. Their teacher has suggested S.E. be put in a higher level class where he will begin to swim a distance without aid because he is ready. Koo is coming along nicely too. He used to pitch a fit whenever his ears would get submerged but now he is going underwater with ease. Our goal has always been to prepare our boys as much as possible for life-not for them to be an Olympiad so they just learn at their own pace.
Friday, October 23, 2009
Sunday, October 18, 2009
The coolest thing about this race were the folks who put the race on were so laid-back and they bought anyone who did the race drinks at a local pizza parlor. Yummy beer and pizza afterwards with the best group of girls possible. Priceless!!!!
Thursday, October 15, 2009
The -elle's
Saturday, October 10, 2009
Long Run
Friday, October 9, 2009
Hip-Hip Hooray!!!!!!!!!!!
Thursday, October 8, 2009
Gratitude...that's my attitude
I'm grateful to all the people who help keep America safe. I was born in Vietnam during the war and although I don't remember details, I remember the feelings of not being secure or safe. I try to remember when I hear about the war going on in the Middle East that with every bad situation, God always balance this out with something good. We just have to find it. I know I am forever grateful to be able to come to America and given the chance to have the kind of life I have. I forget sometimes to be grateful for having all I do have.
With my family being sick all last month, I'm so grateful we are all feeling good and we are in great health overall. My boys are healthy and I watching them grow. I'm very lucky to get this opportunity-and I need to remind myself that it goes by really fast.
Lastly, I am so grateful to the hair-makers of hot rollers. It gives my hair volume and curl. So shallow, but oh well.
Sunday, October 4, 2009
7.52 miles
Saturday, October 3, 2009
Sugar...oh honey, honey...
This week, since this new challenge thing I'm doing, my trainer has asked us to turn in a food journal where he will scour through it during warm up. Next, he meets with us to help us find either better solutions or high-five us for our great choices. So, I have laid-off the sweets and I have found that I don't overeat or turn into the Tasmanian Devil in my kitchen. So, sweets you and I are not going to get cozy for the winter-I've got Rambo Trainer on my tail.
What would I do differently? I have been eating lots and lots of fruits and vegetables. I think I'm starting to sprout.
Friday, October 2, 2009
Last night was our first official workout and so the measurements were taken by our beefcake trainer. Yikes!!! Crap-o-la. Do you know how much jiggly-wiggly skin I have hidden under my workout pants and large T-shirt? UUUUGGGHHH. Had to do it-no choice. One more set of numbers to worry about. GREAT. Coming from a science background-I relied on instruments like scales and rulers to quantify change. I hate it when it's used against me to measure my weight and my girth.
I have a pear-shape body and have always had trouble pulling jeans past my hips. Before having kids, my hips were the go-to area when I would gain weight. Needless to say, I want my hips to be smaller. Back to the measurements, I had a waist of 31 1/2 inches and my hip were 39 1/2 inches. Cringe. I made an unlady-like grunt and my trainer told me it wasn't bad. I looked at him and said "Yeah, if I was starring in a rap video". Horrible. Since I opened my big mouth, he made me do extra wide squats to help my hips. All around cruel. In an attempt to save my life, I will no longer complain about any of my jigglies.
Thank goodness for other bloggers
1) It's always going to be a battle
2) Being thin (ner) did not equal happiness
3) Old feelings and behaviors do not disappear upon reaching that magical number on the scale or single digit jean size
4) Not being comfortable in owning a thin body as when they were big and uncomforable
5) Find your happiness in whatever size/weight you are at right now because it doesn't magicially appear at 120 lbs.
6) There are no confetti and room full of people cheering for you when you reach your goal. So celebrate what success you have accomplished.
I'm doing it. Forget chasing the scale. Forget that I'm one huge meal away from Fat Me again. Just focus on what I have been doing to lose the weight I have lost. I'm celebrating by not stuffing my face.
No real monsters
Here's the conversation around the kitchen table while they were taking a snack break (canteloupe):
S.E.: "You know my dad said there's no real monsters."
Friend: "Yeah, I know."
Koo: "Yes there is!"
S.E.: "Maybe if there are monsters, my dad can make a kid spud gun and we can shoot potatoes at the monsters."
Friend: "Okay."
It's just too cute the things that come out of little boys' mouths. As I was raised in a family with four girls, I'm still trying to get used to raising boys.
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Fear and loathing in my body...
I am afraid of success or getting to a weight that should make me magically happy. It's not and there will never be that number. I am working on learning to like what I see in the mirror instead of obsessing over the jiggly parts I still have floating around. Why can't my mental self catch up with my physical self so I can not want to eat everything in sight to try to make it better. So self-defeating...awful.
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
hungry, hungry Hippo
Monday, September 28, 2009
So today, armed with the memories of the show and my genetic predisposition to keep everything, I am going through each room, closet, underneath each bed and anywhere in my house where I have shoved unwanted stuff I don't want to deal with and either bagging it up to take to the local thrift store, make use of it, or just plain chuck it. This fall clean-up and de-cluttering event helps me less cranky about being stuck in my house when the snow comes.
It makes me feel better to get the clutter out of my house but this year what's has been hard is getting rid of the "toddler-type" toys they don't play with anymore but I haven't had the heart to part with. If I continue to store it in hopes of someone making use of it when they come to play-it just makes a big mess in the family room and just sits there. So, I am trying to be a big girl and get rid of it. I am just not that organized and won't remember that it's there.
Friday, September 25, 2009
I'm a blog stalker
I wish I enjoyed blogging as much as her or have 30 hours in a day instead of 24 hrs. Here's her site in case anyone stumbling onto my blog wants to look at what a real blog should look like:
Taste of Home
Applesauce Oatmeal Pancakes (Taste of Home April/May 1994)
1 cup quick-cooking oats
1/4 cup whole wheat flour
1/4 cup all purpose flour
1 TBSP baking powder
1 cup skim milk
2 TBSP applesauce
4 egg whites
Combine dry ingredients in a bowl. Add wet ingredients and mix. Let sit about 2 minutes. Pour batter by 1/4 cupfulls onto a heated griddle coated with nonstick cooking spray. Flip after about 1 1/2 minutes. Serve warm with syrup and leftover applesauce. 2 pancakes / serving
Thursday, September 24, 2009
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
This year, S.E.'s swimming has been coming along nicely. In today's swim lesson, he was able to swim to the teacher a bit without any help. I believe the swim lessons are making a difference in addition to him being more confident because he is understanding the whole being in the water thing.
Sunday, September 20, 2009
scratch your heart out...
So, I very calmly got a towel and made Koo sit down and scratch his heart out. He had to KEEP SCRATCHING. Once he was tired of scratching, I made him put his tennis shoes on and run around the outside of our home. He crying and carrying on about how he didn't want to scratch anymore and that he couldn't run. Upset and tired, once he calmed down, I hugged him and talked to him about not scratching S.E. and how this is not how we deal with being mad or not getting his way. Then I outline how this will be even longer if he chooses to scratch his brother again. I hope this works for a spell. I have so much to learn and I am just getting older and lazier.
Saturday, September 19, 2009
Get in my belly
S.E.: "Sure mom, I will get a machine and shrink down and you can cut your tummy up and put me in there."
Me: "Okay."
S.E.: "Mom, can I bring my Transformer too?"
He is getting so big and he has been growing-I am so grateful to have gotten to stay home to watch them grow. Too fast.
Monday, September 14, 2009
Counting my blessings
- I'm in the best shape of my life
- I have the most wonderful husband
- My kids are delicious and I am thankful to have two of the most healthy boys
- I have a home and don't have to worry too much about what's going on with the recession
- I have health insurance
- I have great friends
- I have my eyesight so I can read lots and lots of books
- I love cooking
- I keep on trying to do better
Sometimes when I am feeling depressed, my insecurities really take hold and I can't find my way out for days. I think these are normal feelings but I really don't like them. As cheesy as the list above is-I need to see it in writing to help me get out of my pity party.
Sunday, September 13, 2009
Boys in School!!!
Friday, September 4, 2009
Sick, sick, sick...part 2
Thursday, September 3, 2009
sick, sick, sick
This year, as I reocver from this flu and eating everything, I get a little sad. I hate the beginning of school and now that the boys are going to start next week at preschool-I get anxious like I'm the one starting school. It really never ends huh? How cruel that we finally celebrate no more school, just to be pulled back in by my kids going to school.
I have to be honest and admit I have not been a good parent for a good month now. I have had little patience and have not been finding joy in parenting. My heart is out of the game and I am worn down by the monotony and frustration that comes with trying to not lose my cool when the %$#@ hits the fan (which happens every 30 minutes). In the past, I would go seek out books or call friends to help me get out of this funk, but frankly I don't care right now. Calgone, take me away.
All this ho-hum attitude I hope is from my weakened immune system and frail muddled mind. Hopefully, my cup will be half full again soon and I can begin to appreciate my kids for what they are-kids.
Thursday, August 27, 2009
August...nightmare weight month
So, I had a week to get back into the groove and practice my learned tried and true WW program and exercise-I am down to 128 lbs. at last night's weigh-in. I've been teetering on getting to so close to my goal weight just to sabotage myself somehow (i.e. bake a massive cherry pie). I am resolved to stop resisting success. I am afraid that I don't know what to do with having achieve this goal so I've been subconsciously sabotaging my hard efforts of the past 7 months.
New attitude came in the form of last night's meeting when I looked around and talked to two sweet ladies that had still 100 lbs. to lose to reach goal and they are still trekking along. They each have lost over 60 lbs. so far. So inspirational and humbling at the same time. What the heck do I have to whine about? I'm so close.
With this in mind, I went to the gym and participated in a Total Body workout session with the gym's Uber trainer and my butt, stomach, and the rest of the body parts kicked back into gear. I can't laugh today-it hurts too much. I'm avoiding any funny people today. I believe in trainers. They are should work for the CIA, FBI and all the other government abbreviated agencies that might need to use torture to gather information. Bring on the pain. Must not laugh...
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
Raspberry Freezer Jam
Oh yeah and the rest of the leftover raspberry for pie? None for me. Terrible injustice. I love pies. I'm mad about fruit pies. Way better than anything chocolate. I want to swim like Michael Phelps if it means there's a pie island in sight. I want to come back as a super skinny person who doesn't gain weight and competitively eat pies for a living. But no raspberry pie for me. Thank goodness for neighbors.
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
I think my body is objecting to the wheat/legume harvesting that has been going on the past few weeks so my allergies have been going haywire. So between allergy medicine and not enough sleep, I'm the missing dwarf-Loopy.
Friday, August 21, 2009
I am back on track with counting my WW points. I have been too overwhelmed with taking care of kids that I haven't had time or desire to eat good foods. Stress eating was at its finest example folks. I have gained three pounds back and now I've got lose those three in addition to the two I need to reach goal weight.
On a bright note, I did make myself wake up early to run. I think that was the difference between what I used to do (overeat, feel bad, and not workout) to now even if I trip up-I still workout to combat my overindulgence.
One thing I have to come to terms with better is that this weight loss journey is forever. I can't just get to my goal weight and then pig out. I still have to eat less, move more, keeping this formula in balance.
Monday, August 3, 2009
Friday, July 31, 2009
Snooze Blogger
Growing up with three sisters and one brother, we would make up dumb sayings like ones you'd find inside fortune cookies. However, in our case it was never anything inspiring or smart.
Here's mine for the day.
"One who eats many cherries make many flushes." I went cherry picking today. 'Nough said.
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
My lovely
Monday, July 27, 2009
You do the math
I don't normally drink but I was on vacation and we were introduced to yummy Huckleberry Vodka. Harmless if you drink it with diet Dr. Pepper. NOT! Especially if you stay up late and get the munchies with it.
I'm a big girl, I can take the three pounds and just get back on the wagon. I will take my consequences when I weigh in on Wednesday.
Thursday, July 16, 2009
With the recent emotional turmoil in my life, I've been wanting to deal with the problems by baking and eating my way through it. Crap...old crappy behavior rears its' ugly head.
On the bright side, I am armed with new coping tools and I used them. I tapped into a couple of old timers at WW last night who are still trekking along after losing over 100 lbs with still 30 more to go. I gained insight and heard words of encouragement to not let slipping up ruin tomorrow's points.
I wasn't making myself a priority again and trying to please everyone else while my self-esteem kept taking a beating was not good. I digress, the bright side...I only gained 0.2 lbs this week considering I ate almost half a cherry pie and apricot cobbler. So gross, I know.
So today, I tracked and stayed within my points. I have to refocus and remember why I'm doing it-my health.
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
Cup refilled
So today, I am not angry, impatient, and basically a downer to be around. I can look at my filled cup and count my good fortune.
I know this much is true about me, I don't have a lot of confidence in my parenting. I grew up in a family where I had to take on a huge chuck of helping my younger siblings from the time they were little to past high school graduation. I didn't give up my "mother" role to them until I moved away to college. I was not a good mother then because while I did the best I could, I would get frustrated sometimes and get angry and take it out on them. It would make me feel like dirt. I used to tell myself that I can stop being a mom when they grow up. I didn't imagine I would have kids of my own.
So here I am with those feelings and when I resort back to old behaviors of parenting (i.e. yelling and losing it), I go into panic mode and feel like I'm failing my kids now too. I'm trying my hardest to be a better parent to my kids then I was to my siblings but sometimes I don't know how to change.
I'm trying to change though and sometimes, I'm not going to be any good at being a mom but I will keep on trying to do better by my kids and husband.
Monday, July 13, 2009
Cup half empty...
One area that really bothers me is how I've been a hot/cold mom. I don't have the patience for my kids, yelling at them is the only way I can seem to get them to mind, and Koo has been having the biggest hissy fits. I'm tired of people telling me how to parent and I understand they are trying to help but what ends up happening is I doubt myself and then I back off on parenting until they do something to set me off. I'm role modeling horrible behaviors for them and at this point I don't even care. I take out my insecurities about parenting on them.
As my friend C said, I hope the kids can get a group rate on counseling once they get older to get over the trama of moms.
Like I said, I usually will keep trying to better myself and my parenting but right now, I don't have a drop in my cup.
Like a broken record, I'm going to remind myself of why I need to lose weight and how far I've come.
Diabetes anyone? No, thanks.
Weighing in the 120's? Fabulous.
Knees don't hurt from carrying all my extra fat. Wonderful.
Got rid of all my size 12 and 14 clothes. 'Nough said.
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
I'm outed!!!
Crazy girls
"S.E., we have swim lessons again next week."
"But mom, the girls are crazy about me." (He and Koo have swimming lessons with two sisters very close to their respective ages).
"Really S.E. What do you mean?"
"Mom, all the girls want to play with me. They keep saying, 'S.E. I want to play with you'. See mom? I don't have time to play with all the girls and that's why they are crazy for me."
Humble little S.E. has such heavy problems. Considering my lovely husband didn't consider himself as a ladies man in his single days, his little S.E. is quite the girl magnet.
Tuesday, June 30, 2009
I'm back!!!
Friday, June 19, 2009
In other dingbat news:
Last night, I had an awesome workout. I went to the gym, ran for 0.5 mile. Next, strength trained all my body parts for 35 minutes. My legs and arms were screaming for mercy but I didn't stop there. I was going to jump on the treadmill to run 3 miles just to get some more cardio in, but couldn't bring myself to get on the treadmill. I knew that if I got on that machine, I would be able to hit stop at any moment.
So, I packed up my stuff and place them in my car...and I went for a run outside. I kept going and going. I figured I jogged close to three miles. Today, I drove the route and it was 5 miles!!! No wonder I am sore and crabby today. UUUGGGHHH. Maybe it's time to shell out for a pedometer.
Thursday, June 18, 2009
Roll with it baby
On the bright side, my arms and legs are shaping up nicely. I feel that there's a slight definition to my arms and I'm so grateful my legs have carried me this far. In addition, by buttocks are firming up. So perhaps I will never be able to do a Valerie Bertinelli bikini reveal but with two little boys always tugging at me...would it be wise?!
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
Koo's career in Public Works
Why can't he have this much gusto with picking up his toys and putting them away. One the bright side, as a daughter of an immigrant, it's never too early to start job training.
Monday, June 15, 2009
To relieve some of my anxiety associated with not being ready, I have packed the boys' and my luggage last night. I wanted to be ready but mostly I wanted to do a test run to make sure everything would fit. This is our first trip flying, where we have limited space for our stuff. I also didn't want our bags to be so heavy that it would be impossible to push it along with keeping track of our kids.
I am a little nervous for Disneyland and have concerns but I'm going to try to look at it through my kids' eyes and just enjoy.
I hope this trip is not going to be a remake of National Lampoon's Vacation with Chevy Chase...
Sunday, June 14, 2009
Elephant Ears
Stop the music. I don't think my lovely knew I could do this. His big blues started and he gave me the look. The please-make-it-PLEASE... look. Since it was his birthday I said of course.
To not railroad my quest for skinny me, I exercised my heart out at the gym this morning and when I got home, promptly made him elephant ears and maple frosting (from scratch too). They were delicious...oops, how would I know right? Well, I had to have one of course.
I sent most to our neighbors (sorry) though. I don't feel badly because I still had a lot of my flex points left unlike last week's apple pie nosedive. I really like the Weight Watchers program.
Now, that confessional is over...on with the program.
Lovely's birthday
Happy birthday to the man of my dreams. I am forever grateful that you were born and found me. You are my Prince Charming and then some. Thank you for the two little spunky kids and for making me feel like I am cooler than I have ever been. I can't wait to spend all your birthdays with you.
Monday, June 8, 2009
Weight Watchers Roadkill
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
Is that you mom?
Today, BOTH boys went to summer camp for 2 1/2 hours for the first time. Both kids. That means me not having to hurry, snap on a seatbelt, or be distracted as I went on my errands to Walmart and grocery store. It was nice. Very nice. I could get used to this. Yes I am spoiled. But it was really too quiet when I came home and I missed them. My thoughts kept drifting to how they are doing. Mostly, I hoped Koo was listening to the teachers.
Monday, June 1, 2009
mow, mow, mowing the lawn...
Well, my lovely has been setting the mower higher each week to keep the grass a little longer in order to protect from the hot sun the next few months. So, I've been mowed twice in one week. Hey, I didn't sign up for this. I think he's pulling my leg. I don't remember him mowing this frequently.
Another thing about mowing the lawn, the male neighbors come by and razz my lovely about how he got me to mow the lawn and how they can get their wives to do it. Now, I'm making enemies?! I don't know about this exercise aspect of it because it's only 2 activity pts. for WW.
Oh well, if it helps my lovely and I get exercise, I'll continue to mow.
And to the dog that keeps making my lawn his personal toilet, I am on to you-I know what your duty looks like and I will find you.
Friday, May 29, 2009
Being on this new way of life eating has been very interesting. The old me would devour whatever bacon would be left on the plate in addition to what I had already eaten. Now, I cut one slice in half and eat it slowling and leisurely making it last. Then, I walk away. It's 1.5 pts. I still get to eat bacon. I just don't a whole hog's worth anymore.
Thursday, May 28, 2009
Baby's Got Back!
So, off I went spinning my little heart out for 30 minutes and I stood up the entire time except for three 10 second breaks. Can you say sore buns? Painfully sore. I am envisioning my buns looking like Beyonce or J.Lo after this workout. I looked in the mirror...nope. Just pain. Can't even laugh about it b/c it hurts too much. I even downloaded Sir-Mix-Alot's "Baby's got Back" for motivation on my MP-3 player. I'm definitely going to spin once or twice a week to rest my knees and perhaps burn a few more calories.
P.S. I weighed in at 129.2 last night.
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
Birthday Cake
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
rainy days and Mondays always get me down...
I can't even imagine what it's like for a little one to have to be left at daycare each day without the timeframe to know what time parents are returning to get them.
Friday, May 22, 2009
New and improved rolls?!
I know I'm being picky and vain but bathing suit season is on my heels and I need to not let my jelly roll around this summer while I am at the water park with my kids. I just thought weighing less would look different you know? It's like when I had my boys and weighed a lot less a week after delivery-however nothing fit but maternity clothes. Note to body: stop shrinking my girls and instead attack the bellyfat...please?!
Thursday, May 21, 2009
And the winner is...Kris Allen?!!!!?!!?
Five months of tuning in and voting and Kris Allen wins?! No one expected this.
For the past three seasons, my lovely and I have been watching American Idol faithfully. We danced to it, we had AI parties inviting our friends over for dinner to watch the show, and just plain cuddled up to each other to watch regular people sing different versions of familiar songs. We make sure we vote for who we want to advance. Plus, we love Simon Cowell and his antics. I love a good sourpuss who says it like it is.
So, after rescheduling my life every Tuesday and Wednesday for five months. Tuesday night was the finale and we voted our hearts out for Adam Lambert who is undoubtly the frontrunner and most talented...he lost to Kris Allen. I am in shock and disbelieve. Oh well, at least there's always next year.
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
Spring cleaning
This is how my spring cleaning kicks into full gear. Also the beginning of garage sale season is here and I need to make room for all the "maybe I might need this" stuff I bring home.
Other then the fear of losing my mind, the only time I get my butt into deep organizing is when my extended family call me up to say "we are coming to visit this weekend". Yikes!!!
After that much purging and cleaning, I feel like I can move around my house without the fear of hurting myself whenever I open a closet door or drawer.
Now...where is that ice cream maker?! Here we go again...
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
Happy Birthday to S.E.
- loves playing with Transformers, Power Rangers
- learned to answer the phone today to talk to family and friends wishing him a happy birthday
- hates shirts with tags attached in the back
- LOVES ketchup on everything
- can't bribe with sweets
- compassionate and thoughtful to others
- king of run-on sentences that make NO sense together (example: "Mom I run faster because I'm five now and it makes me run faster to wear these shoes")
- great tree climber (but very cautious)
- saves his Preschool snack cookie wrapped in a napkin to share with is brother
I love you baby boy and I will forever look at May 13th as the day you defined me by giving my life a purpose.
Monday, May 11, 2009
Duped into doing something awesome!
"Can you believe we actually did Bloomsday?! We ran 7.46 miles!!"
"We can do this again."
"I think we should go for a long run Saturday."
"I think I have a route in mind that might be 7 miles."
So off we went with our friend C.B. on Saturday to go for our close-to-7 miles. My legs were sore for the first two miles and I was a little worried that I collapse but at around mile 4 (I'm guessing mind you), I was in a zone and felt like I've already gone this far-what's another few miles?
About a mile from my house where we started, there's a killer hill on Hall Street (one that makes Doomsday hill seem like a molehill), my training partner took off and was in the lead. She was awesome!!! Considering two months ago, she had to walk a part of it-it was amazing to see her progess. All this while her shoes still didn't fit right. At the end, we were tired but not as much as when we finished Bloomsday so we went off happy.
Yesterday, curiousity got the better of us and we drove the run to figure out how far we ran. We ran 8.2 miles!!! Whoa!!! We started laughing because I think if we knew ahead of time that we were going to go THAT far, I'm not sure I would have done.
How neat was that?! I am so grateful for my training partner and C.B. for being there to push me along.
My new nickname for my training partner is Hall Slayer.
Thursday, May 7, 2009
130 lbs!!!!
Backtrack a few days ago when I got home from my 12k run, my husband cleaned our bedroom and filed paperwork into our filing cabinet. He found the file of old driver's license cards and found my driving permit one (I was 15 1/2 years old). The weight on it was 130 lbs. He was excited and thought it would be great motivation for me to visualize what I would look like at that weight. I laughed hard when I saw the card posted on our bathroom mirror because didn't he know everyone lies on their driver's license about their weight?! (I think I shaved off 5 lbs. on that particular card).
So, I am officially that weight for real. Now if I can have the smooth skin and energy of a 15 year-old...
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
sew, sew, sew your chair
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
Airing out my dirty laundry
Monday, May 4, 2009
- I didn't collapse running the longest distance in my life
- How much faster I ran (finished 1 hour 28 minutes)
- How many young kids participated (I hope my boys will want to do this in the future)
- How many people wore bad/wrong shoes for running
- How many people stopped for an ice cream bar in the middle of the run?!
- How much my arms hurt (now I know why distance runners have such nice arms)
- How quickly I said "Now we train for a half-marathon"
I couldn't have done this race without the support of my lovely husband. He made it possible for me to train by looking after our children and for working so hard so I could get the help in achieving this feat. This run was huge for me because I am afraid of large crowds being so short and how out-of-shape I was...
Last but not least, I couldn't do this without God. Thank you God for looking out for me.
Thursday, April 23, 2009
Microbes 1 v. My Family 0
Could you please leave my family and I alone? I'm tired of fighting with you. My boys noses can't take anymore of me running after them to wipe the goopy, yellow muck that runs from it. The Kleenex company stocks are skyrocketing thanks to my usage of three boxes in two weeks. My lovely husband can't get you out of his head and it's been four months. Your lease is up in our bodies. I don't have a complete game plan to eradicate you yet. Don't make me go all Clorox bleach, antimicrobial wipes, and Purell on you. Do I need to resume my Bubble Boy practices on you?!
Thanks for sending that extra special virus to infect my ears and make me want to chuck my daily 20 points worth of food this past week. It's been fun. Now leave. I am willing my third-world immunity to step in and make me feel better.
Monday, April 20, 2009
Husband? Where Art Thou?!
Although one up side of having an engineer for a husband, he practices his presentation with you, you won't ever have trouble going to sleep. I wasn't sleepy before he started but the topic is so far from anything that interests me (like Physics...), I was nodding off and yawning afterwards. This topic was like a sleeping pill for me. I told him I couldn't work for his company because I wouldn't be able to stay awake long enough to get any work done. I wouldn't feel good about cheating a company out like that.
Hurry home and be safe husband.
Saturday, April 18, 2009
Weight Loss Goals...revisited
1) Health-prevent diabetes and heart attack, lower my cholesterol, breath better, & help my mental outlook (not get so embarrassed when I run into people I haven't seen in years looking fatter).
2) Run faster mile and do more fun runs (like how fun is a marathon?! ). So I'm not there yet but one day.
3) Get muscle definition in my arms (I have never had this and no it's not my extra hands waving back at's just my loose, fatty skin).
4) Set an example for my boys-they see me being more active, they want to be more active too.
5) Look hot for my lovely husband (okay this really is my #2 but I thought I should try to not be so vain).
6) Not look at pictures of myself and cringe because I can't believe I had let myself get this big.
So now my stats on where I'm at today: I can run 5 miles in 64 minutes and still function, do 15 man push-ups without collapsing, weigh 133.4 lbs., and wear a size 8 clothes without any stretchy material. I have about 10 lbs. left to my goal weight and then I will reevaluate what that will look like for me. Right now, I feel so much better and for the most part, I don't feel like I am missing out on any food. I used food A LOT for comfort but I redirect it now. If I can only get my monthly hormonal influx under control...
Friday, April 17, 2009
Anyway, there is not a cure but a medicine that helps with the symptoms so you can function until the inner ear heals called Meclizine (prescription and over the counter). I am forever thankful to the researchers who came up with this medicine. I have heard of others having vertigo and have never felt this outside of a merry-go-round, but I can't believe others have this chronically and stay sane.
Of course through all this, my lovely husband was there and he has been awesome at taking care of the boys so I can recover. Also, thank you C.B. for taking my boys.